Dr. Joseph Shinar

Joseph Shinar

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Condensed Matter


Contact Info

A513 Zaffarano Hall
2323 Osborn Dr
Social Media and Websites

2008 -             Chair, Physics and Astronomy Dept, Iowa State Univ.

2006 -             Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept, Iowa State Univ.

2004                Iowa State Univ Foundation Outstanding Achievement in Research Award

2004                Fellow of the American Physical Society

2003 -             Cofounder, Integrated Sensor Technologies, Inc., Ames, IA.

1995 -             Senior Physicist, Ames Laboratory - USDOE, & Professor, Physics and Astronomy Dept, Iowa State Univ

1991-1995    Physicist, Ames Laboratory - USDOE, and Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy Dept, Iowa State Univ.

1985-1991   Associate Physicist, Ames Laboratory - USDOE, and Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy Dept, Iowa State Univ.

1982-1984    Research Fellow, Solid State Inst & Physics Dept, Technion - Israel Inst Tech.

1979-1982    Research Associate, Physics Dept, Univ of California, Santa Barbara.

1980               PhD, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

1972-1979     The Racah Institute of Physics,The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

1972               B.Sc. (cum laude) in Mathematics and Physics, The Hebrew Univ, Jerusalem, Israel.