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Phys 115 - Physics for Life Sciences

Course Number: Phys 115

Course Name: Physics for Life Sciences

Credits: 4 Cr

Instructor: Alex Travesset (

PreReq: 1 and 1/2 years of High School algebra, 1 year of geometry, 1 semester of trigonometry

Associated courses: Phys 115L (1 Cr. Lab course that explores material covered in Phys 115)

General introduction to the course

This course looks at how Physics can be applied to biological problems. You will gain a clear understanding of how to use basic algebra to describe and solve physical problems. Plus you will know how to state, explain and use the laws governing,

  • mechanics
  • oscillations, waves and sound
  • heat and thermodynamics
  • fluids
  • electrostatics
  • geometric optics

Topics in Phys 115